
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Results san Renunciation or Action


असुर्या नाम ते लोका अंधेन तमसा वृताः।
Asûryâ  nâma te lokâh andhena tamasâ vritâh,

ता स्ते प्रेत्याभिगछन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥3॥
Tâgmste pretyâbhi-gacchanti ye ke câtma-hano janâh.  (Isha 3).

"Sunless are those worlds, and enveloped in blindering  gloom to  which  all those people , who  are slayers  of  their  own Souls go, departing  from here".(Swami Chinmayananda)

The  great Master of  Upanisad declares  here that  having been born as man, an individual (or  society or community or nation), who refuses  to  live  either the ' the life of  renunciation/meditation' (cf. verse 1)or  ' the life of intense and continuous  activity'(cf. verse 2), is  to be  considered as a suicide. Such  an  entity  must  necessarily come into  fall  into an abyss of  darkness and despair, experiencing a terrible down-turn in its cultural  and spiritual eminence. If a community is neither willing to live the higher values nor be efficient  in its constructive  material  program, such a generation should slowly decay  into darkness, having  lost its soul,  and to face the sorrows  of dark age. Such  people are considered the 'slayers of their Souls' (Atma-hanah), or  Self-destroyers, who kill the Divinity  in themselves, will go to the 'sunless worlds',when they leave their bodies

Thus, with this Mantra(verse) the third 'wave of thought' indicates brilliantly  the consequences for individual entities  without  following the 'Path of Renunciation'(verse 1) or the  alternate 'Path of Action'(verse 2) .


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