
Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Purusa within Thee, He am I


पूषन्नेकर्षे यम् सूर्य प्राजापत्य व्यूह रश्मीन समूह।

कल्याणतमं तत्ते पश्यामि यो सौ पुरुषः सो हमस्मि ॥१६॥

Pusanne karse yama surya praja patya,
Vyuha rasmin samuha tejah
 yatte rupam kalyana-tamam tatte pasyami
yo'sa-vasau purusah so;ham-asmi (16)

"O Pusan(Sun, Nourisher), O Sole Seer, O Controller of All, Surya, son of Prajapati, disperse Thy rays and  gather  up Thy  burning  light.... I  behold  Thy  gloriousform....the Purusa within Thee, He am I"(Swami  Chinmayananda)
 "O Nourisher (pūṣan), the sole Seer (ekarṣi), O Controller (yama), O Sun (sūrya), offspring of Prajāpati, spread forth thy rays! Gather thy brilliance (tejas)!, What is thy fairest form—that of thee I see. He who is yonder, yonder Person (puruṣa)—I myself am he." 
" O Fosterer, O sole Seer, O Ordainer, O illumining Sun, O power of the Father of creatures, marshal thy rays, draw together thy light; the Lustre which is thy most blessed form of all, that in Thee I behold. The Purusha there and there, He am I.."(Sri Aurobindo)

 According  to  Swami Chinmayananda,the philosophical import  of this prayer is  suggestive  of various qualifucations ( like Nourisher,Sole Seer, the Controller  of All,etc. ) of  the Lord Sun, which  equallly  apply   to Atman, the spiritual  centre  in man.According  to the prayer, the  prayerful  ego- the  completelly integrated inner  personality of  the  individual at  (the height of )meditation, when the  mind and  intellect are transcended - meets  Truth in  silence to become itself the Truth in its  subjective  experience.'By Thy grace may I reach nearer  the Isha who indwells everywhere, including Thee' seems  to be, here, the cry of  the heart at  meditation. The idea  that theSpirit  is is  to be experienced in  an intimate subjective experience(anubhava)  is  clearly brought    out  by  this declaration' He am I, the Purusha within Thee.'  The  Sadhak (devotee)  cries  at  that  stage  that he  is not a body-conditioned  individual that  he  thought he was, in  his  ignorance,  but  now  that  the wisdom has dawned, he  realises  that  he  is  nothing but  the Pure Awareness, 'the one  resides  in Him, the Purusha.' Theman, who realises Godhead isnomore aman, but  is a God upon earth,walking  temporarily in  the form of that man.  When  the  ego ends, there  is a blaze  of perfection, (as  if)  the Divine re-incarnates.

'I am the Purusha  in Thee'(Purusah aham asmi). is, in contrast what is said earlier (in Mantra 3) that  those  who identify  with  theirbody-mind vehicles are 'destroyers of the Self'(Atma-hanah), ever bound  to the wheel -of - change. Whensuch an individual, through' dedicated activities'( karma)  purifies  himself, and  through  renunciation(tena tyaktena)comesto enjoy 'All this  is the Lord'(Ishavasyam idagm sarvam), hemustnowcry out that  I am no  more  the one who 'destroyed the experience  of the Self'(Atma-hanah) in a sunless realm(asurya lokah), but 'I am indeed,He, the Self,(Purusah Aham- asmi). In SwamiChinmayananda words, ' the wave that  has  realised  itself, understands  and experiences  the ocean...Man experiencing God-head is  himself the  immortal God.'


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